Statement from the TCA Chair: Scott Farquhar steps down from Atlassian

“As Scott Farquhar steps down from his role as co-CEO of Atlassian, his legacy at both the company he helped build and the tech sector more widely can not be overstated.

Under the leadership of Scott and co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian has been a trailblazer in the Australian tech landscape.

From its beginnings as the bold ambition of two uni grads more than two decades ago, Atlassian has evolved into a global software powerhouse, known for prioritising its mission, people and culture.

Through Atlassian’s success, Scott has demonstrated how to start and scale a globally successful tech company from Australian shores and inspired countless founders and start-ups to do the same.

The embodiment of ‘entrepreneurial spirit’, Scott has built a reputation as a brilliant and passionate tech leader through his visionary approach to tech and business and commitment to values.

Scott’s passion has also extended far beyond the bounds of his own company. He has a strong interest in and commitment to supporting the broader growth of Australian tech, nurturing talent, and having a positive impact in the world.

The Tech Council of Australia and our members have been fortunate to benefit from Scott’s expertise through his role as a Director on the TCA Board. We look forward to continuing our work with him to further champion the future of tech in Australia.”

– Robyn Denholm


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