Turning Australia into a regional tech hub

The Tech Council of Australia (TCA) today launched a major report, Turning Australia into a Regional Tech Hub, which demonstrates the opportunities for Australia’s tech sector to grow by playing to its strengths. Over the last three decades, Australia has created a strong and diverse tech sector that has launched globally successful companies, including Atlassian, […]

Launch of the Australian Quantum Alliance

Local and global leaders in Australia’s quantum industry have today united to launch a major new group called the Australian Quantum Alliance (AQA). The AQA will be the voice of the quantum industry in Australia. The mission of the AQA is to promote, strengthen and connect Australia’s quantum ecosystem. The AQA is being launched under […]

The reskilling opportunity for workforce returners

Rob’s background is in customer support. His previous job was working for an internet service provider before taking a seven year break to be a stay-at-home dad. After job hunting for nine months, Rob struggled to find a position until he came across a client support lead position at MaxMine, a technology platform that performs […]

Transferring skills to high-priority tech role

Stacey Lewis spent the first 10 years of her career consulting in the market research industry. After deciding she wanted to transition into tech, it helped her to reflect on what aspects of her work she enjoyed and how those fits with roles that she was eyeing off in the tech industry. For her, she […]

Clearing the path for a tech career

Faith Sylvia’s first introduction to tech was through a coding course at university. While she loved the content in her course, the competitive environment left her feeling defeated and instead pursued a finance and insurance career. “I was suddenly thrust into this room of math and physics majors. We were graded on a curve, so […]

Filling a high priority gap for Australia

Erfana Skider grew up in Bangladesh where she graduated from university with a computer science degree. After 8 years of working as a software engineer in Bangladesh, Erfana made the decision to move to Australia on a skilled migration visa. Within her first month in Australia, Erfana received offers from five different companies looking for […]

From acting to tech

Maddie Clunies-Ross works at an Australian tech start-up, JigSpace as their Strategy and Operations Associate – a career path she never envisioned for herself. Studying law and communications at university never really sparked her interest, so she decided to take action in her final year. “I dabbled in acting, and for a period of time and thought […]